Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Excerpts from an email to a friend discussing the Father's work in my life:

As far as what the Lord is teaching me, I think it can be summed up in two words: Father and Freedom.

Father: I have been brought back continually by the Holy Spirit to the simplicity of a day by day, moment by moment, living relationship with My Father. He is to be my continual Life and all in all. He is the only One I need to please. I need only walk with Him, hand in hand, spirit to Spirit. He will make known to me the path of life and in His Presence there are surely pleasures forevermore (Ps. 16:11).

Freedom: My relationship with Father releases me to walk in complete freedom, knowing that I need only walk with Him in love and simplicity. Walking with Him, I am free from the expectations of others (whether it be individuals, groups, or movements). I need only speak what I hear Him speaking. I need only do what I see Him doing. I am free from the compulsion to "be something great" or "do something great" for God. I am free to follow Him wherever He leads. Of course, this freedom will be challenged and tested, but this freedom is in Him and He is in me, so ultimately no one can touch it. It's not that I am even looking for freedom or desiring freedom, it's that when I walk in simplicity with Father, I have it in Him.


Anonymous said...

Did I count fifteen "I's" in your latest on "freedom"?
It's one of the pitfalls of over-exposure to Murray and Tozer. Notice how they never seem to have mentioned much about apartheid or the "real" south Chicago, respectively?
Trying to see how this connects to the piece on "fellowship"...

Lindsay Reed said...

Paul used four "I's" and three "me's" in what may be the most profound single verse on "the crucified life" (not I, but Christ) -

"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me." (Galatians 2:20)

- and I don't think he was "overexposed" to Murray or Tozer. I believe that if the Father had called them to speak out against the evils of apartheid and racial discrimination, then they would have. Of course, that's speculation on my part.

"freedom" connects to "fellowship" because the revelation of God as "our Father" frees me from man-made divisions, and enables me to relate freely to ALL brothers and sisters in the body of Christ - His one family.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your response.

In the light of your oft-mention of "fellowship," please give to me your practical, fundamental definition of it and how, specifically, it should be demonstrated.

Again, thank you.

Geo said...

Live free bro! And watch out for those who would try to put you under the bondage of the law again.

Merry Christmas

George Howell

Lindsay Reed said...

Here are my initital thoughts on fellowship:

Fellowship is based on a shared relationship with the Father - we are His children, and a shared experience with the Father - we know Him as our Father.

Fellowship requires at least two hearts that are willing to share the Father's life with one another.

Fellowship is demonstrated by "one anothering" - laying down our lives for one another in love and humility.

An excellent discussion on fellowship can be found in Wayne and Clay Jacobsen's book, Authentic Relationships.

Lindsay Reed said...

George, thanks for the encouragement.

I'm reminded of Kramer's joy in describing the freedom of life without boxers or briefs - "I'm out there, Jerry, and I'm lovin' every minute of it!" (Seinfeld, Episode 86)

I'm lovin' this freedom way too much to ever go back!

Merry Christmas
