Saturday, May 26, 2007

ever present

More excerpts from Divine Nobodies -

Jesus was always there. Through all those years when it seemed God was absent, he was actually present - seeing, listening, caring, and hurting with me and over me. Perhaps my feelings and five senses are not always a reliable guide to the facts of God. God can be intimately present even if it feels like he's nowhere to be found. Whenever I sank down into my black hole of depression, I often felt unbearably alone and abandoned by God, but now I was seeing this wasn't true.

God longs for my awareness that his divine love holds me, and that awareness brings healing and a sense of wholeness. God's love is there in the darkness of depression with me, there next to me in my little locked house, sharing my pain, holding me closely, and offering the light of his love.

- Jim Palmer, Divine Nobodies: Shedding Religion to Find God (and the unlikely people who help you), pp. 74-75

Click Divine Nobodies: Shedding Religion to Find God to order

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Here's an excerpt from a book I'm reading -

God has been trying to free me from the burden of doing something spectacular for him. It has a way of distracting you from the opportunities to be salt and light right where you are. I'm starting to see that the "cup of cold water given in Jesus's name" sometimes means running the register by yourself during lunch so your heartbroken coworker can cry in the break room, or volunteering to reshelf all the returns in your area so a worn-out coworker twice your age won't have to. A kindness shown here, a listening ear offered there, a caring hug as you go might be the case for Christ a cynical waitress most needs. I'm starting to recognize that I am immersed in a sea of hurting people every day. If I simply pay attention and follow the promptings of the Spirit in all these little ways, my life is "ministry."

- Jim Palmer, Divine Nobodies: Shedding Religion to Find God (and the unlikely people who help you), p. 43

Click Divine Nobodies: Shedding Religion to Find God to order

Live free! Live in Daddy's affection!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

the shack

Tonight I finished one of the most incredible works of literature I have ever read. The Shack unveils the heart and nature of God like few books I’ve ever read. It elicits tears and laughter, wonder and worship. It faces the hard questions of life head-on, and challenges the reader to go beyond conventional religious thinking. It beautifully captures the tender, loving heart of God in the midst of tragedy and suffering. The sweet breath of God emanates from its pages. I came away from The Shack with a very real sense that I had been privy to some of the most intimate moments between Father, Son, and Spirit. If you are longing to know God in a deeper way, this book is a must!

Click The Shack to order

- Lindsay

Live free! Live in Daddy’s affection!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

an angel

One thing I love about Father is how He works in our lives in the most creative and unexpected ways. Several weeks ago my brother invited me to visit him in New York where he was directing a television pilot for ABC. I arrived in New York on Tuesday evening, March 20, and he took me to an underground Mexican restaurant for dinner with some of the cast and producers. One member of the cast, a young lady from Brooklyn, showered me with warmth and kindness throughout the evening. Father touched my heart through her sweetness and awakened me to the possibilities that lie ahead in Him. As winter turned to spring in that busy New York restaurant, Father began to melt away the rejection and doubt I've felt in seeing my marriage dissolve. If I didn't know better, I'd say I was touched by an angel.

- Lindsay

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